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New York Health Insurer for self employed

New York is a state with 62 counties and United State's third most populous state
New York City is an important financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center. Everyone will of course wish for a healthy New York for it to continue to function as an important financial center, not only of United States, but of the world. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is a New York City-based stock exchange and world's largest stock exchange. Its health used to be a major influence on the stock exchanges around the world though its influence have somewhat been reduced with the fast rise in the economy of China and the rest of the world.

Amazon Porducts on Health Insurance

New Yorkers can try to keep healthy be eating a healthy diet, exercising, following a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a small waistline. This can help keep one healthy and is no guarantee that one will not get sick. Getting sick in New York can be a very expensive affair. A wise New Yorker will purchase a Health Insurance Policy for Self Employed which is a binding contract issued by an insurance company to an individual or group in exchange for a premium payment. The contract undertakes to pay for health care required by the insured (policy holder) to cover medical treatments for illness or injury.

New Yorkers are busy people and with the introduction of Internet, can now shop for, compare and purchase such health insurance polity on a site like the above by using the drop-down menus to select their county, coverage for applicant alone, or applicant with spouse and/or child or children and annual income.

A test application for Bronx county, applicant, spouse plus 4 children and an annual income of $$66,375 produced a result page showing policy from 4 companies - GHI (HSA EPO), Atlantis (Low Option HMO), HIP (IRBA Select PPO) and Oxford (Freedom HSA Direct(bnrs)) plus a long list of details together with PDF the plans' benefits.

If you have made up your mind, clicking choose this plan button will lead you to an application form on a secure site with a "pop-up" showing the conditions:

* You must be self employed
* Work a minimum of 20 hours per week and earn at least minimum wage
* Work & live in New York (depends on the insurance carrier)
* Be able to verify your self employment income

If you meet the criteria, close that pop-up and fill in the form and you should get the quotation you need.

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