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Cancer prevention: Aspirin a prophylactic?

Can small daily doses of aspirin help prevent cancer, that is, act as a prophylactic? Well, some research seemed to have convinced Professor Peter Elwood, an epidemiologist from Cardiff University, who carried out some of the first studies into the effects of aspirin on health to put aspirin in the same context as lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise which can help to preserve health and said individuals should make up their own minds just as they do with other lifestyle changes. "Aspirin should be thought of in the same context as lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise which can help to preserve health."

Professor Elwood said taking aspirin at night and with calcium seemed to enhance its effects. He suggested taking it with a glass of milk as this could also reduce stomach irritation.

Research with some 25,000 patients mainly in UK at Oxford University and other centres and published in the Lancet have found that taking aspirin regularly can cut overall cancer deaths by at least a fifth. Now aspirin is already being taken by those with cardiovascular problem to help prevent stroke and heart attack. Some experts have thus been prompted to say that aspirin's benefits often outweighed its associated risk of causing bleeding.

Source: BBC News: Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk


Sean said...

Aspirin is the wonder drug. It's natural and has been use through out history. This is why doctors use to tell their paitents to take 2 asprin and call him in the morning. It's good for headaches, muscles aches, helps to thin the blood and prevent heart atacks and now helps prevent some cancers. If you take the aspirin with food then you will lessen the changes of an upset stomach.

stop excessive sweating said...

There was a small dose of aspirin per day for the last 20 odd years, first a blood thinner to prevent blood clots / stroke . Do not use other medication.If recommended to maintain the cancer does not work for me twice, but that does not mean you can not work for others.

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