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GPS Medical Alarm

Most will know what a GPS (Global Positioning System) does. The GPS device pinpoints our position in a map and help us navigate in unfamiliar surroundings. This device should more accurately be called GPS navigation device. The dashboard of the car in the photo below is loaded with GPS navigation devices:

GPS Navigation Devices
Photo of GPS Navigation Devices is property of mroach

Here is a novel use of the GPS device - medical alarm which is 2 type of devices. One is in the form of a bracelet worn round the wrist. If you have an elderly person in your house suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia, they can wear the bracelet which is a mobile GPS alert and is also a speaker-phone (see photo below):

GPS speaker phoneGPS location mapelderly person fell down alert

The mobile GPS tracking device cum speaker-phone will also be a source of comfort as you will be able to call the speaker-phone from any telephone if you want to check on any elderly under your care.

There is another useful device - the fall alert. If those under your care fall, the tele-assist call center will be alerted and they can send help immediately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great gift idea. I got a Medica­l­ alert for my mother also last year. I actually never heard of a company you mentioned and from my research I remember that picking a company that has their own monitoring center is crucial. The company you listed does not have their own center.

Hope this helps.


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