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High fiber diet for Diverticular disease

Diverticular disease (or diverticulosis) is a condition of the large intestine (colon) which means having diverticula, or small sacs or pouches that form in the wall of the large intestine, and includes diverticulitis which is when these pouches or sacs become infected. Diverticular was practically non-existent before this century because people ate a more healthy diet. Further, doctors have generally recommended a low fiber diet reasoning that fiber will irritates the gut. However, Dr. Neil Painter, a surgeon at Manor House Hospital at London persuaded 70 diverticulosis patients to change to a high-fiber diet. After 22 months it was found that the diet has alleviated or abolished the symtoms associated with the diverticular disease. The diet they took? Whole wheat bread, cereals, plenty of fruits and vegetables and added miller's bran to every meal.

Books from Amazon

Diverticular Disease

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Diverticular Disease

Food Your Miracle Medicine

Meals That Heal : Over 175 Simple, Everyday Recipes That Help Prevent And Treat Disease

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