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Roast duck may lower cholesterol and blood sugar

An initial study by Universiti Malays shows that the reddish powder called propriety red yeast rice (PRYR), also known as Xuezhikang, that is used as seasoning of the duck may actually promote lower cholesterol levels, reduce hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol), diabetes and other heart ailments. This seasoning is also used in tonic preparations and enhancing food texture in Asian dishes.

According to Prof. Dr. Rosmawati Mohamed, the deputy dean (researcg) of Universiti Malaya Faculty of Medicine, diabetic patients are at greater risk of mortality from heart diseases.

According to Dr. Quek, a consultant cardiologist, many heart patients are not comfortable with modern medicine, fearing side effects. PYPR, a natural extract, is thus an ideal substitude for those with moderate hyperlipidemia and don't wish to use modern medicine, or for those who shows side effects from statin, a drug to control high cholesterol.

Source: UM study shows roast duck may lower cholesterol (close new window to get back to this page).

Books from Amazon

Controlling Cholesterol for Dummies (Paperback)

Diabetes for Dummies (Paperback)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It might be!!


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